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The Resolve Clinic
Integrative Counselling, CBT techniques,
Hypnotherapy, Life Coaching
Confidence and motivation
Exams are a particularlly difficult time for students, with all the extra stress and anxiety that comes with having to study for and take those dreaded yearly exams.
Therapy for relaxation, confidence and motivation can be very effective in helping students to perform to their best ability.
Let us help to take the strain for your students
Understanding Sexuality
School years can be a very intense and worrying time, especially when there are so many questions you need answering regarding sex and sexuality..
We can run bespoke courses for students helping to answer many of the questions they may have.
Anger management
Anger issues can affect many people and can ruin opportunities in life. But with help these issues can be overcome, with coping strategies and awareness of the triggers causing the anger.
Life Coaching
One of the great problems young people face is, looking at the next steps in life, what to do, where to go, and how to get there.
Life coaching can help.
We can also offer to train groups of students to coach younger students who may be finding school life difficult, with organising school work and exams.
Healthy relationships
With so much emphasis in the media around domestic abuse and the issues this can cause, we can run a course designed to help young people understand what makes a good healthy relationship.
This succesful course has been designed for both girls and boys and gives them the knowledge to make good healthy relationships right from the start.
Cognitive Behavioural therapy
There are enormous pressures placed on young people these days, sometimes a little help and guidance is all that is needed to help.
We offer a bespoke service to help with: Stress, anxiety, depression etc.